How does the wiki work?
The basic CPT Wiki is free to everyone and doesn't require registration - clicking either the 'Beginner' section above or the 'Wiki' button on the home portal you can walk right in and begin learning! Those who become members acquire access to an expanded wiki with more advanced articles. Both Intermediate and Expert members get access to these articles in which they can post comments for Q&As, but those on Expert level will get access to new articles every month as well as the ongoing CPT online course.
How do I become a member?
The site has no formal registration form. Instead, those who make a purchase (e.g., Intermediate membership) receive an automated email with their username and password. Upon logging in for the first time, the password and profile can be customised. For example, those who make a booking can log in to see their booking. Therefore, those who purchase a CPT Membership will receive an account over email, and can thereafter access the 'Members' section of the site.
Why become a member?
CPT Membership gives people an opportunity to learn CPT in more depth in a manner most convenient to them. The upper tier membership provides access to the first official CPT course, where Harry takes people from the ground up through educational videos and fact sheets. Membership will involve updates into the future, including: new articles (especially for Expert level), online tests, social media integration (e.g., Discord badges), type-development tools, and, for Expert members, a constantly expanding online course with more learning tools added into the future. It also offers subscribers a means to support the development of the channel and theory outside of Patreon, as well as to fund the development of the new website in order to make the above stretch goals a reality.
What is the online course?
Expert-tier members get access to the official CPT online course, the link to which is on the wiki in the top-left corner. Clicking 'Courses' will take you to a separate sign-in page and upper-tier members can use their existing details to access the contents of the course.
Many people offer one-off payment style courses which work great when there is not a lot of ground to cover. CPT, however, is a complex system (as it should be when we are dealing with human personalities!) and there is a lot of ground to cover. For this reason, the course is subscription-based, updating every month as more and more content is added. As CPT is an ever-expanding system, people who sign up to the course also fund its development, so it is ultimately a two-way relationship.
So far the course covers the basics of CPT with videos and fact sheets. The course is currently entering its second chapter looking at higher-order cognitive functions, and later chapters will be putting everything together into types. With your membership the course can not only expand but also acquire new interactive features. Early backers are added to a list and will get additional perks into the future!