Type Service Express

CPT-approved typologist Rob is in US California, and therefore the timezone for this calendar is Pacific Time (PT, GMT-7) – please ensure to convert to your timezone before booking a session.

PT (-8, Los Angeles)ET (-5, New York)GMT (+0, London)
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm8:00 pm – 9:00 pm1:00 am – 2:00 am next day
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm10:00 pm – 11:00 pm3:00 am – 4:00 am next day
9:00 pm – 10:00 pm12:00 am – 1:00 am next day5:00 am – 6:00 am next day

Appointments must be booked at least 24 hours in advance of the given time slot.

July 2024

Highly recommend!

17th March 2024

Rob was at all times unbiased and truly interested in helping out! Excellent service!


Was everything I expected. And that is good!

25th November 2023

Alright, I went into this terribly afraid because English isn’t my native language. But I ended up doing pretty well. So if you’re considering getting the Express Service but English is also not your first language, don’t be afraid. You can do it.

Anyway, I went into this pretty much knowing I was an INTP but I never would have figured out that I’m a divergent INTP and it makes so much sense honestly.

As well my dip into ENTJ was also quite revealing. This whole experience was worth the money and time for sure.

Rob was also very nice and he definitely knows his stuff. It was actually quite fun talking to him and then having him at the end draw a picture with what you said and explained. It’s definitely encouraging to look at the system Harry has created. MBTI can do wonders for self development and with CPT it’s even more tangibly helpful. Alright I’m done. Thank you Harry and Rob. Keep up the good work! 🙂


Type Clarity!

31st October 2023

Worked with Rob and we had a really fun chat! Would recommend this service for anyone looking to get typed! talked about my past and how it relates to the cognitive functions, along with hobbies, future desires, and how I take in/generate ideas to execute on. Notes are taken and everything you say will more than likely be used to determine your proper function stack. I was always confused on whether I was ISTP, INTJ, or INFJ but I’m now 100% certain of being an INTJ! Thanks for the help! ^^



16th September 2023

I took already around 13 years in this mbti typology therory, but there were many things I could not make sense of. Here is the framework we all needed and I seriously hope that keeps expanding among all of us that think of typology as something that could help us find answers for our cognition.

Harry’s understanding of typology has been life-changing for me, since I could have neved find my type with those description out there in the internet. Here with Rob I have had a very interesting call in which he has been able to gather aspects that I did not think were telling of my type, and summarize them in a way that describe with an unseen level of precision what is happening in my cognition.

Unfortunately after all, I could not check many sources I did not consulted already, such as Harry’s book and the videos related, since I had already watch them all! Hope they keep bringing more content not only for the “main types” (INxx and ENxx types). They have done and incredible job at NOT describing the rest of the non- N types as something like NPC on the background that basically are very good people a like to do practical things for others.

Please keep it up and thank you very much for your work. Both Harry and Rob!


Excellent theory and service

7th May 2023

After learning about this system, I’ve found that its structure is highly adaptable. The terms are simple yet broad. The service is surprisingly good and insightful. Although it’s not as economical as one would expect, I totally see why such price was set. Overall, this is top-level typology


Incredibly thorough and accurate

4th April 2023

Both Harry and Rob are excellent typologists. It is obvious that this is a passion of theirs and they want to understand your cognition as much as you do. This typology is easily the most accurate and in depth for understanding cognition, and these are the experts. My results accounted for nuance and I was very happy with the process.

Kenyon Tucker

Extremely Insightful and Helpful Services

26th March 2023

Amazing services from both Harry and Rob! Both of them are very helpful and respect your time with them

I booked the Type Service Express package with Rob, and his analysis was very accurate and insightful! He was able to accurately type me, and he gave me nuanced insights into my strengths and weaknesses. He took the time to correspond via email and answer any questions I had and he provided tangible examples for me to compare with and observe.

Afterwards, I booked the Coaching Tier II service with Harry to smooth out some areas of my cognition I was interested in which would help me achieve some personal goals. Words cannot describe how valuable Harry’s work and insights are! In such a short period of time, he was able to guide me to smooth out my cognition in such a seamless and painless process. We also had a lot of great talks about type theory in general, and he was able to expertly answer my questions. It’s not an exaggeration to say that this coaching service may have saved me many years of struggling in my own personal growth and development!

Highly recommend services from both Harry and Rob

Matt F

CPT seems to be the most accurate and nuanced MBTI system there is.

10th January 2023

I was struggling to figure out my type until Rob did a typing session with me. A lot of my doubts on my most likely type came from nuances I saw in myself that didn’t align with the common stereotypes of traditional MBTI. With Rob’s help he showed me that the nuances I noticed in myself were textbook traits of my best fit type according to CPT. CPT takes the more traditional approach of identifying individual cognitive functions and goes further, expanding upon the relationships between the lens and codec functions, examining a person holistically.


Very through analysis by rob

31st December 2022

Very unbiased approach. I liked everything about his report. From short interaction, he can build a profile and internal accurate understanding of you!


Thanks Rob 🙂

17th December 2022

I had been trying to understand what type I could be for two years without ever coming to any real conviction. Thanks to Rob’s analysis, I finally see things more clearly. I think I needed an outside expertise. And the arguments based on the notions of CPT are helping me to understand better how cognitive functions can influence my behavior.
